M&A advisory

Euro-Latin offers a wide range of financial advisory services to Latin-American companies or owners seeking capital or strategic partners, and to our European and North American clients seeking investment opportunities, growth or strategic partners in Latin America.

Our team has decades of valuable experience from leading global investment banks and consulting firms.

Our offer to clients:

Private equity and direct investments

Euro-Latin Capital has a strong focus on energy with investment vehicles for clean energy and oil & gas. On behalf of our investors, we aim to achieve superior returns through a disciplined and rigorous criteria, and a analytical focus on value.

Our team continuously monitor interesting projects within the renewable energy space hereunder in particular solar energy, wind energy and Carbon storage.

For interested investors please contact us: info(at)euro-latin.com

Exited investments

Alterra Bioenergy
A biodiesel and bio-additives company with 50.000 tons biodiesel capacity in the State of Georgia, USA.

Local representation

After over 20 years in Argentina, advising with sale and acquisition mandates, local representation mandates and leading positions in commercial organizations, we have built relevant experience and relationships, which may be valuable for clients seeking to establish business in Argentina, including country-entry process.

As part of our advisory services, we offer clients the following services:

Contact us

You may contact us by phone or email to find out more information about our services. Let’s keep in touch.

+54 11 4393 6007
